
Gender wage gap, fact or myth?

Source: Huffington Post Fact, but not as wide as you might expect. The 73 cents for every dollar that a man earns is innacurate; experts suggest that all factors in place, it's actually within 5%. So how do we explain the 20 cents difference? There are many journals written about this topic but I'll summarize the reasons below: - manipulative statistics : the 73 cents/dollar earned by men figure takes total male earnings/total male population and indexes it as one dollar; they then take total female earnings/total female population and places it on the same index. What this statistic does not account for is percentage of population employed. Fact of the matter is a larger percentage of men work compared to women. In addition, this statistic fails to account for gender distribution in jobs. To compare income in a fair manner, one must compare apples to apples, compare a female engineer's salary to a male engineer's salary and the gender wage gape quickly fa...

Donald Trump is an idiot...

Source: Business Insider  "Donald Trump is an idiot!!" or any synonymous phrase is thrown around like baseballs in a park nowadays. The question is, is this true? Well if the top comment on a CNN post about "covfefe" is "Trump is an idiot" it must be true...I mean social media doesn't lie. THINK FOR YOURSELF!! If you're not used to thinking for yourself, I've helped you get a headstart with 3 points as to why Donald Trump is not an idiot. 1. It's easy   It is easy to bandwagon onto a mainstream opinion. If a group of five peers believes in an opinion, it is easier to go with that view than to advocate an opposing view. Apply this on the scale of social media. The top comment prevails and seeing the number of likes, you are more than likely (pun intended) to follow. Just don't forget, top comments are selected by the poster and if you're CNN, which comments would you promote, those that are aligned with your agenda or ...


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